Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Year in Review (as promised)

Hello, once again--  for the last time this year...

First, I want to thank all of you who have been reading my blog throughout the year (and those of you who just check in occasionally get thanks too, and first time readers...thanks all around!)  It really means a lot to me to be able to share my experience, and if you ever have questions or comments, please contact me! (Even during the summer, I will respond!)

To say this year brought changes would be an understatement.  I feel as if I went through enough changes this year to last me the rest of college, but each year is without change, and each change is for a reason.  While contemplated a top ten list of memories, I realized my year cannot be put into ten distinct positive happenings, as to do so would exclude the inevitable bad moments, and greatly omit good times 11- 99+.

So for the benefit of inclusivity, I present a stream-of-consciousness style flashback-- if I had a TV show, you might imagine some chimes here as the edges of the screen get a little fuzzy *chimes, fuzz*

Move-In Day:  I walk into what would be my first residence of sophomore year.  As I unpack my belongings I anticipate a repeat of freshman year; the same friends, the same study habits, the same plan for the future.  Yet the year had a lot in store for me, and classes began...

Street Gangs Class:  As I began to read Life in the Gang: Friends, Family, Violence, I realized that I might actually want to work with gangs in the future, I am really happy I took this course.

Winter Term: I realized winter term I wanted to seriously dedicate myself to the criminal justice department.  It was a revelation of sorts, combined with some positive feedback from my professors that turned obligations as a student into obsessions of a scholar.  I realized I needed to make some changes, to improve my life in other ways in order to be fully devoted to school work, one of which was moving out of my original apartment.

The Move:  It took four people all day to move two of us to a new apartment.  This probably was the biggest change and learning experience of the year.  The lesson-- create your own happiness.  Also, as Mercyhurst students we get 20% off at Eat n' Park, as we found out after a day of packing and hauling inevitably led to a late night celebration.

Late Nights in the Library:  I whisper a word of thanks to the coffee bean farmers who have made these nights possible.  Although each year I vow to never procrastinate (though sometimes that is at fault), dedication and boarder line neuropathy all too often pulled me to study more, write more, revise more.  Yet these late nights have brought me closer to peers in my classes, establishing good connections for next year.  

Hinduism:  At first met with apprehension, Hinduism became one of my biggest teachers this term.  Sometimes I was frustrated that reading and writing for this class pulled me away from my criminal justice classes, however, the experience proved to be rewarding.  I learned that we do not have the luxury of being interested in everything we do, and to embrace learning for the sake of learning.  Also if I'm ever on Jeopardy, and the category is Hinduism, I might just run circles around the other players.

Packing for Home:  As I pack up to go home, I realize how far I've come since the fall.  A box of notebooks represents a year of learning, but this does not account for the personal learning, the internal growth.  I've made great friends, memories, and goals, all of which I look forward to again after the summer.

Thanks for letting me be nostalgic, may you all have a lovely summer.

Wishing boxes were as portable as memories so they'd fit nicely into my car,

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